Product Designer

Individual Project

September 2021

REsearch + Discovery

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Business & design Opportunites

The following opportunities were identified and aligned with solving the overarching challenge:

Business Goals

  • Full integration into existing POS Systems
  • Increased Bartending Efficiency
  • Eliminating end of night tip adjustment
  • Faster Bar Admission
  • Increased Establishment Presence

Design Goals

  • Full understanding of everything going on for the night, live atmosphere monitoring, line length and cover charges
  • Easier Tab system for packed scenarios
  • Financial Awareness Assistance

I then began some initial ideation and created some user flows:

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After completing a prototype, I tested 6 features with 6 users by analyzing their behavior as they worked through the prototype. The following challenges arose:

Projecting Scope

  • A seven-week project presents many time constraints when dealing with the product design cycle. I began this project with ambitious ideation and struggled to decide the MVP features resulting in an expansive prototype. It wasn’t until user testing when I was provided some clarity on finalizing the MVP features. Eliminating the drink ordering system was necessary at the time but I still intend to iterate on it in future versions

Adapting a Solution for Bars who can't afford the Puck Investment

  • After some development of the remote POS puck system that allows non-app users to have the same functionality. Some concerns on the pricing of these pucks arose: what if bars don’t want to invest in thesepucks? I then reimagined a QR code solution that still allows the same functionality.

Creating a Solution for All Behaviors

  • After interviewing the demographic, it became apparent that there was a vast range of behavior per bar goer. Some preferred closing after every drink, some preferred leaving open a tab all night and some shared tabs for the night to avoid having multiple people wait for singular drinks. These insights influenced the 3 tier solution

Overcoming Roadblocks

Splitting a Tab Flow

  • What if you split a drink and the person you send the drink doesn't pay?
  • The user flow was revisited and sending a drink was replaced with sending a request. The drink must be accepted until it is removed from the tab. If the user doesn't accept in time, the full balance is paid and a reminder is sent to the user the following morning.

Puck Alternative Solution

  • The standard receipt method will be used. To open a tab, a user receives a QR to then control it from their browser. When closing they will also receive a QR to be able to recieve a itemized breakdown.
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To address a wide range of bar goers, I have created a three tiered system:

  • Chaser App Users: Full access to all features
  • Hybrid Users (users without the app): Utilize the Chaser Puck which directs users to a web friendly solution with all app features
  • Analog Users (users with no interest): Utilize the Chaser Puck to close out as normal.
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Key takeaways

The importance of creating an MVP, understanding these features early and committing to them for the duration of the first product cycle. The difficulty in providing a solution for everyone within an environment that allows innovation and existing intuition to exist simultaneously.

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