Product designer

Individual Project

Jan 2021

REsearch + Discovery

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Business & design Opportunites

The following opportunities were identified and aligned with solving the overarching challenge:

Project Goals

  • Quickly reserve parking at the desired price
  • Event parking focused with day to day options
  • Easily list your open parking spots for earnings
  • Quick payment interaction
  • Easy lot management to reduce traffic

I then began wireframing both products, user tested them and refined into a first iteration.

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Building an Ecosystem vs a Singular Product

  • In an environment with different levels of authority, it is difficult to provide a viable solution with just one product. Designing a solution that improves congestion must address everyone involved, from the neighbor selling parking on their yard on gameday to the venue selling reserved parking

Maintaining Brand Language in Differing Experiences

  • The brand language must be strong amongst all experiences to provide a cohesive experience amongst all platforms.

Visual Hierarchy

  • With many different methods of acquiring a parking space, good visual hierarchy based on the users priority is important.

Overcoming Roadblocks

Checkout Page

  • Through testing, it was found that there was a lack of visual confirmation during the checkout process. With minimal changes from selecting the parking to paying for the parking, the user's where unsure when they were actually paying. The screen background was changed during the payment page to allow user's to better notice this process is beginning.

Confusion on POS Payment

  • Users were getting confused on the process of paying at the lot. An onboarding page was added to give a better understanding of the process and the payment by location ID was given more visual priority.
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 The Solution Concept includes three applications, one for each stakeholder:

  • Curb App: Users that need parking
  • Curb Concierge: Users that want to list their open parking to be leased
  • Curb Admin: Venues that want to control the parking flow (was skipped (for now) to narrow scope)
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Key takeaways

I found a passion for creating a consistent, cohesive brand language throughout differing experiences.

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